A number of Olympians - including Michael Phelps have been photographed with large red circles on their skin. Cupping is an ancient therapy which requires the use of cups to generate suction on the skin. The cups come in variety of different materials; they could be made out of glass or bamboo. Furthermore, cupping therapy is divided into dry and wet cupping. For dry cupping, the cups are heated in order to generate the suction which can then be placed on the body. The technique for wet cupping is similar to dry cupping except small incisions are made at the cupping regions. In wet Cupping, cups are removed after a short period of time and a tiny incision will be made; then cups will be placed again in order to remove small amount of blood through suction. The purpose is to remove any toxins from the body and to increase the rate of body healing. Cupping helps with a huge variety of ailments from muscle problem, plain relief, arthritis, insomnia, fertility issues, and cellulite.
• Skin disorders
• Depression/ Anxiety
• Arthritis
• Reproductive related disorders
• Headache